Mandala Homes Featured in HUFFINGTONPOST

"Tucked away in the wilderness of Nelson, B.C. lives a couple who, with their design company, aims to change the way we build homes. Lars Chose and Rachel Ross run Mandala Homes, a firm that uses…

Announcing Indwell Design

If you are lucky enough to call the Koote­nays home we have con­struc­tion crews avail­able to assist with your project, big or small. We also offer prod­ucts to improve the effi­ciency of your home,…

Mandala Homes in Vancouver Sun

Energy-efficient homes have become the norm and in the pur­suit of sus­tain­abil­ity home­own­ers and design­ers are return­ing to a more tra­di­tional type, the round home. But what many res­i­dents…

Round Home Timber Entry

What is it like to live in a round house?

I had a conversation recently with a friend. We were talking about what it’s like to live in a round house. “How is it different”, she asked curiously, “than living in a traditionally shaped home?”…

5 Important Questions To Ask When Choosing A Site For Your New Home

Choos­ing where to place your new home on your prop­erty is a big deci­sion that impacts your fam­ily, the earth and your finances. For years the trend has been to site homes for view or “curb…

Outdoor Rooms

Some home­own­ers want to stop design­ing their new home at the edge of the front door. We like to encour­age the under­stand­ing and use of out­door rooms in the design of a home,  because we know…

Custom Prefab Homes – Quality, Efficiency, and High Performance Built to Last

Why Build a Custom Home?

Here at Man­dala Homes, we enjoy spend­ing time talk­ing with;

The Language of Colour

We’re preparing to paint the interior walls and I’m researching colour and colour theory. Here are notes ‘from the field’. Colour in a home is fundamental. It sets the tone and the feel of each room.…

Why a Round Home?

“The Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round…..The Sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its…

Team Building When You Build

Home Builders often complain about subcontractors.