Mandala Homes Featured in HUFFINGTONPOST
"Tucked away in the wilderness of Nelson, B.C. lives a couple who, with their design company, aims to change the way we build homes. Lars Chose and Rachel Ross run Mandala Homes, a firm that uses…
Announcing Indwell Design
If you are lucky enough to call the Kootenays home we have construction crews available to assist with your project, big or small. We also offer products to improve the efficiency of your home,…
Mandala Homes in Vancouver Sun
Energy-efficient homes have become the norm and in the pursuit of sustainability homeowners and designers are returning to a more traditional type, the round home. But what many residents…
What is it like to live in a round house?
I had a conversation recently with a friend. We were talking about what it’s like to live in a round house. “How is it different”, she asked curiously, “than living in a traditionally shaped home?”…
5 Important Questions To Ask When Choosing A Site For Your New Home
Choosing where to place your new home on your property is a big decision that impacts your family, the earth and your finances. For years the trend has been to site homes for view or “curb…
Outdoor Rooms
Some homeowners want to stop designing their new home at the edge of the front door. We like to encourage the understanding and use of outdoor rooms in the design of a home, because we know…
The Language of Colour
We’re preparing to paint the interior walls and I’m researching colour and colour theory. Here are notes ‘from the field’. Colour in a home is fundamental. It sets the tone and the feel of each room.…
Why a Round Home?
“The Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round…..The Sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its…