When you build a Mandala, the shell-to-lock-up part of the process happens rapidly because those parts of the house come in a kit.

However, the finishing part of the building process takes the same amount of time as any other construction.

At times, for the home-builder, it can seem endless!

At this point, we have completed the dry walling and exciting process of painting.

‘Color is consistent in only one thing: that it is ever changing. Light, space and other colors in proximity constantly change how color is viewed. Color is exciting because it is always moving, adding a sense of depth and focus to living and work spaces”

Layers of colours

I researched at local paint stores, the natural building supply store and on-line until I settled on what I think is the most amazing paint in the entire world, Yolo Paint

My reasons for thinking  that it is the most amazing paint in the entire world are;

  • What’s NOT in it. This is non-VOC paint that is LEED and Green Seal certified.
  • The colours are incredibly beautiful,  natural in tone, and vivid in purity. Yet, the texture is very different than regular paint. When I first saw a wall with Yolo paint on it, I asked “Is that a clay wall?”
  • The colours have names like Stone, Aspire, Petal, Create, Thrive, Grain, Leaf, Air- which are grouped in palettes called The Colour of Hope, The Sprout Collection, Earths Colour Collection.
  • The colour swatches are big- about 8×8′- they were much easier to use to conceptualize our colours.
  • The swatches offer suggestions and ideas for complementary colour groupings.
  • The two women who developed this paint in Portland , Oregon, are good friends and originally artists.

Lars and I spent considerable time playing with colour swatches , imagining light, elements and nearby colours.

After much deliberation , taking into account the upcoming vividness of ambiant light, nomadic rugs, the spectacular cedar Mandala ceiling, fir trim and timbers , we decided to paint a warm off-white (Air .01 and Air .03– “harmonizes yet stays light, warmer alternative to white”) throughout most of the home.

Air .01 in the study, Air .03 in the main Mandala

North facing study brightened and lightened with Air. 01

Fresh Paint in the Round Room

Here’s a photo of our friend, Brandon, brilliant painter and house builder in the centre of the main Mandala.He’s wearing just the right get-up for running an airless sprayer. We highly recommend spraying and back-rolling when you paint a new construction. It is so much quicker. We were able to paint the second coat on the entire house in about 6 hours!

We chose an intriguing and restful green colour for the Master Bedroom (Leaf .02- “it walks the line between green and gold, beautiful flow, creates open-hearted gathering spots, elegant master bedroom choice”). The ceiling will be natural cedar , baseboards and window trim fir, the floor will be a beautiful port coloured cork.


YOLO color on the master bedroom walls