“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
~Lao Tzu
How did this all begin?
Well, Lars owns a company , Mandala Homes. He’s been involved in designing and building many homes – green, rectangular, round, timberframe, prefab, site-built, you name it-over the course of 20 years. It was time for him to build another dream home.
Rachel (me) has had a lifelong love/obsession with the topic of Home . I love soulful, meaningful homes and writing. I love connecting with people (you) around topics that are mutually inspiring (we).
Perhaps you are thinking of building a home? Maybe you want to build a Mandala? Perhaps you just love the topics of sustainable building, home design and meaningful shelter? Whatever your interest – Welcome to the adventure of building our Green Round Home!
Here is a slideshow of a variety of Mandala Homes. This gives you a sense of the kind of home we are designing and building. Enjoy the slideshow and … enjoy reading this diary blog about our personal experience of building a round home!