BC Wood mem­ber Man­dala Homes recently com­pleted a pretty unique project. They just fin­ished build­ing BC’s first Energy Star qual­i­fied round house in Nel­son, BC.

For 11 years, Man­dala Homes has been design­ing and build­ing pre-fabricated round and rec­tan­gu­lar home pack­ages in Nel­son, BC and dis­trib­ut­ing all over the globe, with Canada and US being their main mar­kets. Along with pre-fabricated home pack­ages, they also sell deck­ing, floor­ing, trim pack­ages, pre-stained cedar sid­ing, tim­ber frame com­po­nents and wood win­dow & door pack­ages.   Man­dala Homes, with their triple-bottom line busi­ness model, makes every busi­ness deci­sion by tak­ing into account the finan­cial, social, and envi­ron­men­tal impact.

Lars Chose (above pic­ture), owner of Man­dala Homes designed and built the first Energy Star Qual­i­fied house in BC. The 2,300 square feet home includes three bed­rooms, two and a half bath­rooms, a work­shop, two out­door rooms, and a stor­age room. The house is fin­ished with West­ern Red Cedar sid­ing and trim and fir post and beams, while the inte­rior is fin­ished with West­ern Red Cedar ceil­ings, cork floor­ing, ceramic tile, fir trim, Yolo and Natura no-VOC paints, and no-VOC fin­ishes from EcoCrete and Ver­mont Natural.

This green pre­fab con­serves energy with deep over­hangs, LEDs and CFLs, an HRV, thick walls (R34), an insu­lated roof (R66), fiberglass-insulated dual-pane win­dows, sky­lights, solar tubes, an ICF foun­da­tion, and Energy Star appli­ances.  Rumin Mann

For more infor­ma­tion on the spec­i­fi­ca­tions of this house,click here

For more arti­cles on this house, click here