We are all pay­ing more for fuel, even as we look for ways to save energy.  Energy-efficient homes are at the top of the list of how we can save energy and save money.  This is sup­ported by a 2007 poll by real estate firm Royal LeP­age:  72% of Cana­di­ans will look for a green-improved home for their next pur­chase and 63% are will­ing to pay between $5,000.00 and $20,000.00 more for green fea­tures.

Build­ing a new home offers a great oppor­tu­nity to design green, energy-efficient fea­tures, right from the start, and to use mate­ri­als that are non-toxic, to you and the envi­ron­ment.  And the shape of your new home will help deter­mine effi­ciency, too.

A Man­dala round home adds a crit­i­cal fac­tor to achiev­ing excel­lent energy per­for­mance.  The main rea­son is found in the geom­e­try:  a round build­ing exposes less wall area to wind, rain and other ele­ments than a square build­ing.  So, less warm air escapes in the win­ter and more cool air stays indoors dur­ing the sum­mer, just the way you want it.

A Man­dala home pro­vides a more energy-efficient dwelling designed to get you around to more green ben­e­fits:  you save money by using less energy and you use fewer resources to con­struct and main­tain your round home.  Man­dala homes are nat­u­rally aero­dy­namic, deflect­ing cold win­ter winds around your home; flat walls allow the ele­ments to bat­ter your home and can let the wind in through the tini­est cracks.

You also want to enjoy a more effi­cient and health­ier inte­rior. A Man­dala home allows warm air to rise up the walls, flow along the ceil­ing to the cen­tral sky­light where some of the air cools slightly and sinks back to the floor.  This “con­vec­tive air flow” main­tains a more even dis­tri­b­u­tion of air through­out your home and a health­ier envi­ron­ment for every­one.  Remem­ber, there are no cor­ners to col­lect stag­nant, stuffy air.

There are many fac­tors which con­tribute to your home’s energy effi­ciency, and the Man­dala round design is a crit­i­cal one.

We look for­ward to keep­ing you up to date with more facts and inter­est­ing ideas to make your Man­dala home the best in qual­ity, sus­tain­abil­ity and ele­gance.