Formalde­hyde is a com­mon chem­i­cal used in numer­ous build­ing and home prod­ucts from adhe­sives, paints and seal­ers, par­ti­cle board, insu­la­tion, tex­tiles, deter­gents and many more house­hold prod­ucts. Formalde­hyde has been linked to many health issues, includ­ing throat, eye and nasal irri­ta­tion, res­pi­ra­tory symp­toms and can­cer at high lev­els of expo­sure. One symp­tom of formalde­hyde expo­sure is insom­nia, which can be cured by remov­ing polyester/cotton or no-iron sheets, both of which are cov­ered with a per­ma­nent press formalde­hyde resin. Wash­ing with bak­ing soda and borax will help.

The National Acad­emy of Sci­ences esti­mates that 10 to 20% of the gen­eral pop­u­la­tion may be sus­cep­ti­ble to irri­ta­tion from expo­sure to formalde­hyde at extremely low con­cen­tra­tions. If you sus­pect a formalde­hyde prob­lem you can get more infor­ma­tion online at or

At Man­dala Homes we rec­om­mend liv­ing in a build­ing that is formaldehyde-free. Ask us about using formalde­hyde free insu­la­tion, non toxic (non VOC) fin­ishes, and other formaldehyde-free fur­nish­ings for your home. Find out the many dif­fer­ent ways we can sup­port you to live in a healthy home.