Man­dala Homes is proud to use green renew­able energy pro­vided by Bull­frog Power. Visit for more infor­ma­tion about this com­pany and find out how you can cre­ate a cleaner world for today and tomorrow.

Bull­frog cur­rently pro­vides a 100% green elec­tric­ity choice to every­one in British Colum­bia, Alberta, Ontario,Nova Sco­tia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Bullfrog’s elec­tric­ity comes exclu­sively from wind and hydro facil­i­ties that have been cer­ti­fied as low impact by Envi­ron­ment Canada under its EcoL­ogo pro­gram instead of from pol­lut­ing sources like coal, oil, nat­ural gas, and nuclear.