There has been some con­cern about the Har­mo­nized Sales Tax (HST) and it’s impli­ca­tions on hous­ing prices. Start­ing July 1 the HST will apply to most of the goods and ser­vices that have been pre­vi­ously sub­ject to the GST. For a pre­fab­ri­cated home pack­age, the HST will now apply to the total cost for Cana­dian cus­tomers. In the past theGST (5%) has applied to all provinces, and the PST (7%) has applied to all sales withinBC. There has been a PST exemp­tion for mate­ri­als used to con­serve energy, includ­ing insu­la­tion and Energy Star rated win­dows and doors with glass. This exemp­tion will no longer exist with the HST.

To sum up, the HST will only affect the cost of a Man­dala Home Pack­age for BC cus­tomers, and this change will be an addi­tional 7% on insu­la­tion and Energy Star rated win­dows and doors with glass (approx­i­mately $700 on a $100,000 home pack­age). Cus­tomers in Alberta will con­tinue to be charged 5% — the GST por­tion of the HST, cus­tomers in other provinces will pay the sales tax applic­a­ble in their province, and ourUS and inter­na­tional cus­tomers will not pay Cana­dian taxes. For more infor­ma­tion visit or